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Welcome to Mount Sentinel Little League!


League Age 4-6. Use of Tee.  Introductory/instructional.  Three innings, no score kept.  Teams formed by parent request, coach request, and school.

Minor B
League Age 6-8.  Coach pitch moving to player pitch.  Non-competitive/developmental:  Four innings, maximum five runs scored per inning, standings not kept.  Teams formed by parent request, coach request, and school. 

Minor A

League Age 8-10.  Player pitch.  Competitive/developmental:  Six innings, umpires, scores and standings kept.  Teams formed by tryout and draft. Season ends with city tournament.  Eight-year-old players may be allowed to play on Minor A if registration numbers allow; however, signing up or trying out does not guarantee that they will be selected to play in either division.  There are many factors which are considered for kids to play up to the next division including total registration numbers in each division, and maturity and skill of the individual player.  Each player will be evaluated on their skill level at the time of tryouts and the individual selection of the coaches.  Eight-year-olds that are not selected will be placed on a wait list and will be notified if openings come available during the season, and will be placed on a Minor B team.

League Age 10-12.  Competitive:  Six innings, umpires, scores kept, standings recorded.  Teams formed by a tryout and draft.  Season end with city tournament.   10-year-old players may be allowed to play on Majors if registration numbers allow; however, signing up or trying out does not guarantee that they will be selected to play in the division.  There are many factors which are considered for kids to play up to the next division including total registration numbers in each division, and maturity and skill of the individual player.  Each player will be evaluated on their skill level at the time of tryouts and the individual selection of the coaches.  Ten-year-olds that are not selected will be placed on a wait list and will be notified if openings come available during the season, and will be placed on a Minor A team.

Intermediate  (50/70)
League Age 12-13.  Competitive:  Seven innings, umpires, scores kept, standings recorded.  Field size increases to 50' pitching distance and 70' base paths. Stealing and pick-offs allowed.  This division is a good transition between a little league sized field (46' pitch, 60' base) and a full size field (60' pitch, 90' base).  Based on registration numbers, Intermediates, Juniors, and/or Seniors may be combined to form teams.    

League Age 12-14.  Competitive:  Seven innings, umpires, scores kept, standings recorded.  Full size field - 60' pitching distance, 90' base paths.  Based on registration numbers, Intermediates, Juniors, and/or Seniors may be combined to form teams.      

League Age 13-16. Competitive: Seven innings, umpires, scores kept, standings recorded. Full size field - 60' pitching distance, 90' base paths.  Based on registration numbers, Intermediates, Juniors, and/or Seniors may be combined to form teams.      


Mount Sentinel Little League
MSLL, P.O. Box 2195
Missoula, Montana 59806

Email: [email protected]

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