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Welcome to Mount Sentinel Little League!

Concussion Awareneses

Player & Parent/Legal Guardian
Concussion Statement

The passage of the Dylan Steiger's Protection of Youth Athletes Act found at Mont. Code Ann. 20-7-1301 et. seq., requires all youth athletic organizations to distribute information sheets for the purpose of informing and educating youth-athletes and their parents of the nature and risk of concussion and head injury to youth-athletes, including the risks of continuing to play after concussion or head injury.  Montana law requires that each year, before beginning practice for an organized activity, a youth-athlete and the youth-athlete's parent(s)/legal guardian(s) must be given an information sheet, and both the participant and a parent/guardian must sign and return a form acknowledging receipt of the information to an official designated by the sponsoring organization prior to the student-athletes participation in the activity.  The law further states that a youth-athlete who is suspected of sustaining a concussion or head injury in a practice or game shall be removed from play at the time of injury and may not return to play until the student-athlete has received a written clearance from a licensed health care provider.


Mount Sentinel Little League
MSLL, P.O. Box 2195
Missoula, Montana 59806

Email: [email protected]

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